Letter to my younger self

confidence, stop comparing, love yourself

Hi guys! So today I wanted to do something a little different, as you can tell from the title it's a letter to my younger self, so if time travelling is ever invented, my younger self will be able to read this and do a couple of things differently.
I know you're not supposed to have regrets, but there are just somethings I wish I'd done differently to see how it would affect my life today.

The first thing I'd have to tell my younger self is to actually love myself/herself, I know this sounds cliche and cheesy but it's true, when I was younger I didn't have much self-love for myself, I was always cmparing myself to the other girls in my class, being a chubby girl when you're younger it's quite hard to love yourself because you are constantly looking at other thinner girls wishing you looked like them and you actually grow up to be more conscious of what you're eating, you're afraid of being judged and that wrecked me as a child, if I loved myself even just a little bit more and didn't complain about my qualities I could've saved up some tears and the brain damage I caused myself at such a young age.
The second thing I would like to tell my younger self is that I shouldn't let what other people say to me get to me, I can't count the amount of times I reached to my house and started crying because I couldn't take it anymore, what those people say to me do not make me who I am today, they do not have control over my life or my actions, what they say to me shouldn't bother me becuase I am the owner of my life and I wish I'd known this sooner.
The next thing I'd let my younger self know is to actually talk to people, when I was younger I was extremely shy, and till this day I get shy at times, I mean don't we all? But this paragraph isn't about me being shy, it's about the fact that I kept my feelings bottled up, I smetimes wrote down my feelings in a diary and whenever I re-read my diary I see how unhappy I was at the time, I never really told my friends much about myself, I barely talked to my parents about my emotions, I spent all my time playing games on the computer, when I went out I noticed I actually felt relieved and stress-free, although my problems were still there, going out was a temporary solution and now looking back, I should've done it more often, looking back instead of crying, I could've talked to my brothers, my friends, or my parents about my problems or at least someone who would understand me.

Okay guys, so that was my letter to my younger self,  I did keep a journal/diary and I do try and re-read it, lots of my problems were actually quite funny and the fact that I was stubborn makes it even funnier, I mean I was just a little kid who didn't like serious talks, I was always joking around and putting on a smile on the outside, but I died a little more everyday on the inside.
No one is perfect but making all these 'mistakes' make me who I am right today.

Although I am still a child, I have evolved a lot and that's why I decided to write this post, I wanted t take a moment and review my life.

My next post will be something more cheerful so don't worry guys!



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