I Went Vegan (Seagan)

i went seagan, veganism, vegan

Hi guys! I should probably use start my posts a different way...
Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know that I just went seagan on the 23rd of February I just woke up and felt kinda wierd and I started thinking to myself, I kinda wanna go vegan, and that's how it happened.
I'm just going to give you all some info about what it means and why I did it:

What does seagan mean?
A seagan is a modified vegan who eats fish, and a vegan is a person who avoids dairy, eggs, meat, fish and honey in their diets, basically anything that comes from animals

Why didn't you just go vegan ?
Well the thing is we get lots of vitamins from fish and they're a really good source of protein and I thought it would be a better idea to maintain the fish in my diet and not have to spend 30 euros on suplements and vitamins.
Why I went seagan?
I've been watching lots of Freelee the Banana Girl on youtube lately and I actually hated her, but what I didn't know is that deep down I wanted to be like her, iteresting right? I mean, I hated the way she talked about 'meat-eaters' and how she made them seem like bad people, but I've always been interested in the vegan lifestyle, ever since I heard about it I've wanted to be one, plus with the added benefits like glowing skin, clear skin, some weightloss and overall it's a much healthier lifestyle.
How I did it?
Like I said before, I woke up one day and kind of felt like changing, I know I haven't been seagan for long, but I really want to keep up this lifestyle, none of my brothers think I can keep it up because of all the food I have to give up, but honestly I was kind of lactose intolerant even before I decided to take on this lifestyle.

I really want you guys to help me through this, because honestly I don't know if I can last up to a week in this lifestyle, I love it and all, I feel energized but not one other person in my family is vegan, not even vegetarian, so I'm alone on this one, I can only count on your help.

Well, that was it for this post, I will be posting monthly updates, If I make it and maybe meal plans or what I'm eating in this new lifestyle.



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