Talking about My Future (Career)

Hi Guys! Sorry for not posting lately, I've been really busy and haven't really gotten the chance to write here.
I've really wanted to write about this topic for a while now, but I didn't know how to write it, I mean there's a lot I want to write, but I know that if I made it so long I would bore some of you guys to death.
Yesterday, we had a guest visitor at our school, the man gave us a speech about how he decided what he wanted to be when he was older and how he pursued his dream and is actually studying it right now, I mean, I was inspired by this man, he always knew what he wanted to be, but because his dad is an engineer he thought he would also have to be an engineer, and he studied in an engineering school for 2 years till he found out that it wasn't right for him, this man is now on his 4th year studying to be a priest, who would've guessed that a man who gets A+'s in Maths wouldn't want his future to be dirrected in that direction.
I've always loved writing and I've always wanted to be a doctor, not because of the money or anything, it's just something I've always wanted to do, I remember my mum asking me Why I wanted to be a doctor, and I simply answered because I don't like how people are dying everyday and I want to do something to help ever since I gave my mum that answer, she's always encouraged me to pursue that path.
I love writing sooo mcuh,but if I had to choose one thing to do in my fututre, I'd choose medicine, because my intentions were pure and I'm pretty good at it.
So... what was the point of this post apart from being an excuse to ramble about my life it was also to tell you guys to do what you love when you're older, you don't want to spend thousands of dollars entering university and majoring in something you don't even have your heart in, the only way to truly enjoy your life is by doing what makes you happy, and how is doing a job you hate, even though you earn millions, you will never truly be happy.
''It's not about how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness'' - Charles Spurgeon.



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