1 Month Seagan Update

Well guys, I'm not dead... if you were wondering, I had finals week and instead of being a week it was 2 weeks filled with exams.
As you know I went vegan around this day on  February and it's been 4 weeks since I've been vegan and I wanted to give you guys a little update.

The first thing you all might be wondering is if I lost any weight, the thing is I haven't done my weigh in, I don't like weighing myself because I get obsessed with the number, so I decided to stop weighing myself and I've been better ever since. I did notice a flatter stomach, my aunt did tell me that I'd lost some weight, but I didn't really notice any significant difference.

The next thing I'd like to talk about is my skin, did my skin get any better? The truth is my skin hasn't changed that much, to the point where I have baby skin and it feels like heaven, I still have some acne scarring, but it's nothing that a little bit of exfoliation and TLC can't cure, the part where I did notice a HUGE difference was in my breaking out, my skin broke out once or twice in the past month and it was during my finals week, so I can blame that on stress, I think I got a little pimple on my chin but I can blame my period for that.

I'd like to talk about my overall experience as a vegan/seagan.
I really enjoyed it, I never doubted, I always had that vegan spirit in me and I think it was about time I let it out, I was a huge meat-eater before, so giving up on meat made a huge difference in my life.
I've been eating mostly fish (hence the seaganism), bananas, apples and seagan sandwiches.
Being vegan is really easy, everyone thinks it's hard and that you're going to die, because you're not getting enough nutrients, but the truth is I feel even more energized as a vegan!
I caved and ate meat once, at a birthday party and that was on me, I felt like keeping me being a vegan as a secret, because I know if I tell anyone of my friends, they'll immediately jump to conclusions and think that I have an ED, which I don't, the only people I told were my brothers and one of my classmates (luckily she didn't jump to conclusions) I am planning on telling my parents, but I'm just waiting for the right moment.



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