My Productive Morning Routine

I've recently decided to do more productive things with my life and just mainly do things that will actually benefit me, whether it's in the future or in the present, I've just overall decided to live a healthier life, it started with my transition to veganism/seaganism (which I didn't do for the health benefits) and now I'm just trying to read more, learn new things (although I do go to school, I try and learn things that I will actually use in the future.

Like I mentioned before I go to school, I'm 14 years old ( I'm in the ninth grade ) so I have to wake up really early since my school starts at 8 : 15 am, but my bus leaves at 7 : 45 am I'm not the type of person who can just wake up 20 minutes and get ready before school starts, my brain won't function properly if I do that, so what I do is I set my alarm at 5 : 25 - 5: 45 pm just so I have time to do all my productive stuff.

After my alarm goes off if I don't fall asleep again, which doesn't happen often I just complain and pray that it's a Saturday and whoever made my calendar made a mistake, after I'm done complaining which typically lasts 5-10 minutes, I like to thank God for making me see a brand new morning and for going through the night without problems, when I'm done with that I like to check my phone, if I'm reading a book at that moment I'll probably just read for about 20 minutes and when I'm fully awake sometimes, when I'm not feeling lazy I like to workout and get my workout out of the way for the day, I usually do a 20 minute HIIT workout or something like that, if I don't workout that morning, I'll workout in the evening. When I'm done with my workout I'll just check my phone again, go on Instagram and watch some youtube videos. After all this it's probably 6 : 20 am and I finally start to get ready. 

I start by showering and doing all the random things you do when you get ready, when I'm done brushing my teeth, showering, getting dressed and styling my hair I have my breakfast, I always have to have my breakfast, if forget to have my breakfast I'll be really cranky throughout that whole day!

After all this it should be around 7 : 15 pm and I typically take this time to catch up with more youtube videos, read, finish some unfinished homework, study, chill... Basically anything to kill time!



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